Messages From Our Pets in Spirit Oracle Cards

Connect with and receive messages from your pet in spirit

Messages From Our Pets in Spirit

✔ Are you desiring a deeper connection with your pet in spirit?

✔ Do you want to know what your animal says about their passing?

✔ Are you needing some words of comfort from your angel pet?

✔ Are you missing your pet and overcome with grief?

Allow your beloved pets in spirit to speak to you through this deck. 

Read the messages they wish to share with you.

This deck was created with love, and with the intention of helping you heal and experience a deeper sense of connection with your pet in spirit.

The Story Behind the Cards

The inspiration for this deck came about after losing yet another beloved pet of mine. I was processing grief and feelings of guilt at having to assist him to cross the rainbow bridge at the end. In my grief, I was finding it difficult to connect with him.

Wishing to receive messages from him and my other pets in spirit, I was looking for an oracle card deck that would help me to better connect with them, and to help me release all the feelings of grief I was still holding onto.

I didn't find such an oracle card deck. So together with the guidance of my pets in spirit "Messages From Your Pet in Spirit" quickly came together.

My own beloved pets in the deck were joined by many other animals who wanted to come together to contribute their loving energy, words of wisdom, support, guidance, compassion, and healing light.

Our animals wish for us to focus on the good memories, hold gratitude in our hearts for the time we had together, and to be more compassionate and kind towards ourselves. They want us to know that they are still with us, and that the loving connection that we share is eternal.

To help you deepen your connection to your angel pet, I have created a companion journal to go along with the cards. My hope is that by using the cards, and journaling about your experiences, you may find comfort, healing, and peace.

There is a blank card in the deck so that you may add a photo or drawing of your angel angel on one side, and write whatever words you feel inspired to write on the back.


BONUSES: Companion Journal & Meditation

★ Receive a FREE Companion Journal and Meditation to connect with your pet in spirit with your purchase of Messages From Our Pets in Spirit Oracle Cards. These can be accessed immediately upon purchase.

Take a Look at the Beautiful Cards!

Watch the Unboxing Video!

Also available on DECKIBLE!

Cheri Michelle

As a pet medium and animal communicator, I help individuals heal and find peace after the passing of their beloved companion. I assist pet guardians in understanding and connecting with their pets, even after they have passed away, to bring closure and comfort to their grief.

I'm the founder of Sakura Spiritual Academy, where I offer a range of courses tailored to deepen the connection between pet guardians and their beloved animal companions. My goal is to help you understand and communicate with your pets, enriching your relationship in the process.

My commitment is to empower pet parents like you by introducing a variety of spiritual tools that not only enhance understanding but also strengthen the bonds you share with your animals.

With a compassionate and heart-centered approach, it's my privilege to assist you in gaining clarity and navigating any challenges you may encounter in your journey with your animal companions.

Sending warm regards and positive energy to you and your cherished pets, 


Card Deck Pricing

Messages From Our Pets in Spirit Oracle Cards

$55 USD

    • Card Deck + postage included
    • Free downloadable companion journal
    • All sales are final
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